For and by local residents

The Cromvliet neighbourhood committee consists of a regular group of enthusiastic volunteers, all living in Cromvliet. They are specifically committed to creating more connection in the neighbourhood. The committee does this by organizing a number of activities and events every year for all residents of Cromvliet, young and old(er). In addition to the recurring activities, the committee also tries to organize new activities where possible. A photo report of previous events can be found here.


The committee is dependent on financial help from the Municipality of Rijswijk for the organization of events. In addition, the committee also tries to obtain financing through other channels, such as the Oranjefonds or Fonds 1818.

Sometimes the committee asks for a small contribution from residents who participate in an event, such as a snack, homemade or purchased, for the Neighbours' Day or a cost-covering contribution for the Neighbourhood Dinner


The neighbourhood committee is not an interest group; the committee deliberately focuses on connection by bringing neighbourhood residents together and not on other neighbourhood-related issues. For this you can contact the area director for Cromvliet at the municipality of Rijswijk, reachable via e-mail.


Cromvliet Clean: join the hunt for litter!

On Saturday, March 22, Cromvliet will again join the annual National Clean-up Day. Alone, with neighbours, as a group of friends or with the whole family: everyone is welcome to contribute to a cleaner neighbourhood. Also this year the neighbourhood committee is working together with the Zwerfafvalbrigade Rijswijk. That means gloves, pincers and garbage bags are available for all litter pickers.


Let's pick up the bat and come to the schoolyard of the Nicolaas Beets School between 11:00 and 13:00. During these two hours, members of the neighbourhood committee will be on hand to hand out materials and also take them back after the cleanup is complete. All helpers can also count on coffee, tea or lemonade and snacks. This year, the committee is also awarding a fun prize to the person who returns with the craziest trash find.


Follow the socials for up-to-date information on events

Last year, due to the weather, the annual Neighbourhood Day could not take place. A bummer, of course, for the neighbourhood and also for all the energy and time the committee had put into the preparations. And also a waste of money, because some costs such as hiring materials or workshop facilitators just go on. Unfortunately, we do not have an indoor space in our neighbourhood that we can move to in case of bad weather.


More pop up events

Reason to give a different interpretation to Neighbours' Day, and in general to the organisation of outdoor activities in particular. In 2025, the neighbourhood committee is pushing for more pop-up events. The advantage of this is that, based on weather forecasts, we can decide to organise an event on a day when the outlook is good. With this, we increase the chances of activities going ahead. And local residents can actually meet each other. No luxury for outdoor events in combination with the changeable Dutch weather!


What does this mean?

The moment we decide to organise an outdoor event we will announce it through the neighbourhood committee's social channels and through this website. This means that it becomes even more important to sign up for one or more of our socials: Cromvliet on Nextdoor, our WhatsApp community and/or Facebook. Nextdoor and WhatsApp are particularly useful because messages are actively publicised there.

We additionally check with neighbours who have signed up for the newsletter to make sure they agree to use their e-mail to receive pop-event messages. 


Permanent events

We will organise a number of outdoor events anyway; these include Cromvliet Clean, Easter Egg Hunt and St Martin's Day. The preparation time and costs of these events are low and they are also less ‘affected’ by bad weather. 


We look forward to an enjoyable new year with lots of friendly neighbourly encounters!



Since 2023, the neighbourhood committee has published its own newsletter: the Cromvliet Newsletter (only available in Dutch).

Would you like to stay informed about all activities organized by the neighborhood committee? Then sign up for this newsletter. This can be done by sending an e-mail. The newsletter is published at least four times a year.