For and by local residents

The Cromvliet neighbourhood committee consists of a regular group of enthusiastic volunteers, all living in Cromvliet. They are specifically committed to creating more connection in the neighbourhood. The committee does this by organizing a number of activities and events every year for all residents of Cromvliet, young and old(er). In addition to the recurring activities, the committee also tries to organize new activities where possible. A photo report of previous events can be found here.


The committee is dependent on financial help from the Municipality of Rijswijk for the organization of events. In addition, the committee also tries to obtain financing through other channels, such as the Oranjefonds or Fonds 1818.

Sometimes the committee asks for a small contribution from residents who participate in an event, such as a snack, homemade or purchased, for the Neighbours' Day or a cost-covering contribution for the Neighbourhood Dinner


The neighbourhood committee is not an interest group; the committee deliberately focuses on connection by bringing neighbourhood residents together and not on other neighbourhood-related issues. For this you can contact the area director for Cromvliet at the municipality of Rijswijk, reachable via e-mail.


Upcoming activities in Cromvliet

The Cromvliet Neighbourhood Dinner: a 'walking dinner'  through the neighbourhood

 The next regular event is on Saturday, June 29: the Cromvliet neighbourhood dinner where neighbours cook for neighbours. Vegetarians, meat or fish eaters, Dutch or foreign language speaking, a chef or just a basic kitchen prince or princess: the Cromvliet neighbourhood dinner is for everyone. The only condition is that you live in Cromvliet!

Soon you will find more information about this event on this page!



Since 2023, the neighbourhood committee has published its own newsletter: the Cromvliet Newsletter (only available in Dutch).

Would you like to stay informed about all activities organized by the neighborhood committee? Then sign up for this newsletter. This can be done by sending an e-mail. The newsletter is published at least four times a year.